Accelerating Research for Diseases Without Cures.

Easily share your anonymized health story and join clinical trials. 

Research breakthroughs can’t happen without all of us.

Unite is a patient-first, health technology platform that enables faster research by rapidly helping patients access clinical trials and generating unique datasets for the scientists on the frontlines of innovation. 

Unite Research Platform

Participate at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.

Gain valuable health insights, track your contribution to hundreds of studies, and review clinical trials you qualify for privately and securely.

How it Works

  • Complete your health profile.

    Use our secure platform to safely share and document your health story. The more you share, the more you advance research.

  • Connect with a trained concierge.

    Our specially trained navigators help you find clinical trials suitable for your specific situation. Connect with one by phone, email, video chat, or text.

  • Participate at your own pace.

    Complete weekly or monthly surveys. Every answered question makes a difference for researchers.

Every person and every story counts in the search for cures.

Your health data exists in many different places, but it’s not connected in the ways that matter most to researchers. We can be the change researchers need to unlock breakthroughs in treatments. But we can’t do it without you. 

Access promising cutting-edge treatments.

A diagnosis of a disease without a cure is devastating. And the regulatory path for bringing new treatments to market is long. We bridge these gaps and restore hope by helping our community members access clinical trials. 

Access promising cutting-edge treatments.

When promising treatments fail to progress through their clinical trial milestones, it’s devastating for everyone.

Yet the process to learn about a trial and access clinical trial sites is unnecessarily burdensome for potential participants. We remove these burdens for both researchers and patients through our unique Clinical Trial Concierge program.

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